Sunday, November 19, 2006

2006 Optomeyes Exhibition

I'm very happy to confirm that I sold 8 out of 8 paintings in the 2006 Optomeyes Exhibition. I'm especially happy because I experimented with a few ink drawings this year (see below). I really think drawing and painting more in every spare moment helped my fluidity and confidence. It definately shows in the paintings.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Latest news

The Wrest Point Casino Optomeyes Exhibition 2006 starts tomorrow night at the Long Gallery in Hobart. The paintings below are a few that i'm entering. Pretty happy with the result. It satisfies my cravings to prove I can actually draw I think but I feel still lacks some a deeper meaning apart from my own memories. I'm still searching for that inspiration to take me from traditional to contemporary work - from photo realism to semi abstract. 'Missed', I felt was a step in the right direction...

a few more pre exhibition paintings

some pre exhibition photos

Thursday, November 09, 2006


I completed this painting for the 2006 Metro Art Award. Really happy with the outcome and the step away from completely watercolour. The message I wanted to make was showing watercolour can be used in a contemporary way.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

This painting is my first idea for a local art competition. I wanted to combine my skills in watercolour and a more contemporary feel using a larger canvas. The light sketching will be black ink.

I ended up adding the foreground rocks into this painting to break up the murky blue water. It also focusses the eye on the reflections. These were harder because as I mentioned I wanted a cubist feel. I realised that i needed to make on side of the reflection as straight as possible. I am happy with the result.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Nathaniel Tobias Hiller - Bio, October 2006
Nathaniel Hiller was born in Hobart, Tasmania in 1971 and moved to Melbourne in 2002. He holds a Bachelor of Economics from the University of Tasmania and an Associate Diploma of Art (Graphic Design). He works in Melbourne as an Art Director in an advertising agency.

He learnt to draw at a young age under the guidance of his father, Peter, a lecturer in Art Education and accomplished Tasmanian Watercolour artist. As well as other well known watercolour artists he cites french impressionism as one of his early influences.

His works have been inspired by his Tasmanian heritage and love of yachting and the ocean but more recently streetscapes around Melbourne.

Nat has had numerous successful group exhibitions selling out every year in Wrest Point Casinos Optomeyes City Mission Annual Exhibition (1999 - 2005). He has had two joint exhibitions at the Red Chapel Gallery (2000 - 2001) and displayed works in the Strickland Gallery and numerous Salamanca Galleries. Since moving to Melbourne he has had work displayed in Artasis Art Gallery and the Swan Street Gallery in Richmond.

Please contact PH 0407862285 or email

Monday, October 09, 2006

This painting was inspired by the sharp reflections in the first one - a sort of cubist approach which I am quite happy with. I need to clean up the muddy foreground and neaten (as usual) but I am gradually becoming more confident.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

white boats

I was inspired by the sharp reflections of my Derwent boat painting and wanted to practice just to see if I could recreate it or whther ir was luck. I am quite happy with this one. I do need a little more contrast and some of the drawing needs to be fixed but it has a really good/eery feeling. The battle now will be to try not to fill in anymore....

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Finally... really happy with this one. It has that randomness I have been looking for. A little bit abstract in places. A really good feel. I really think sometimes it comes down to luck.

Another attempt at the Derwant Yachts painting...

Another Derwent jetty painting i did a little while ago. I just added some reds and greens.

Shippies. A pub in Battery Point. This one is getting there. The shadows are still a bit light i think. Need deepening.

bit rich in colour.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Battery Point Houses

I have finally got a bit of confidence back. Image looks a little warped but that is the angle of the photo. Happy with this one. Almost finished.

not quite

i think i slightly messed up the proportions - i must check before i start painting. I'm very impatient!!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Alot happier with this painting now. I've run out of yellow ochre so i splashed some red and purple around and it seems to have worked. i still have to add some detail (masts and that sort of thing) and a few more houses on the hill.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Derwent Jetty 4

I'm not quite sure wther I am that happy with this painting yet. I think the perspective is a little out and the second jetty is a little small. I'll persevere any way. The colour are also too flat but this is how i usually start paintings - and gradually work in deeper and richer colours. Its my first watercolour in a few months so its a good start.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Derwent Jetty Sketch 1

This is my initial sketch of the Derwent Jetty Photo (double click to see it slightly bigger). I have altered the perspective slightly just to make it easier to frame. I am preparing for an exhibition in Hobart and need to do 4 or 5 paintings in a month. I have been drawing in pencil lately and have been quite happy with my progress but my watercolour skills need a bit more work. I hope to take photos of each stage of this process.

Derwent Jetty Photo

Sunday, July 30, 2006

a few more photos and sketches for the scrapbook. i am having trouble finding time to resolve my subject matter issue. i'm gradually improving at both photography and quick sketches which is a start.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

really happy with these two. if you knew the puppies these drawings would describe them perfectly.

Streets of Richmond.
Double click on this image to see slighty more detail.
This is probably the closest sketch to the direction I want to head. My dilemma now is that the quaint cottages of Richmond Hill have been blemished with a staring, hoodied stranger. Not quiet sure what my message is.

Background experiment

St Kilda Dusk Summer

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

series inspiration... maybe

Swan Street at dusk

photo taken from car with grubby windscreen

new mcg footbridge at 7.45 in the morning. amazing colours

the boss

my studio

my studio - probably 2 months ago now. must admit i love seeing photos like this. makes it all look real.

Dog Walking Series

This sketch is the first in a series drawn from photos taken while walking the dogs. It was a cold grey sunday and we were walking from Richmond to the city to get a coffee. I thought I would start to challenge myself by adding a human element to my paintings but still try and maintain the landscape qualities. Its an interesting challenge and one that I haven't got my head around yet...

Sunday, May 07, 2006


I have a book and a painting website but I was becoming too concerned as far as what I would post. This site, hopefully, will just help me mix it up and chronologically graph my journey. Sketches, photos, paintings and more will be added over time for inspiration and to study bit and pieces.