Sunday, November 19, 2006

2006 Optomeyes Exhibition

I'm very happy to confirm that I sold 8 out of 8 paintings in the 2006 Optomeyes Exhibition. I'm especially happy because I experimented with a few ink drawings this year (see below). I really think drawing and painting more in every spare moment helped my fluidity and confidence. It definately shows in the paintings.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Latest news

The Wrest Point Casino Optomeyes Exhibition 2006 starts tomorrow night at the Long Gallery in Hobart. The paintings below are a few that i'm entering. Pretty happy with the result. It satisfies my cravings to prove I can actually draw I think but I feel still lacks some a deeper meaning apart from my own memories. I'm still searching for that inspiration to take me from traditional to contemporary work - from photo realism to semi abstract. 'Missed', I felt was a step in the right direction...

a few more pre exhibition paintings

some pre exhibition photos

Thursday, November 09, 2006


I completed this painting for the 2006 Metro Art Award. Really happy with the outcome and the step away from completely watercolour. The message I wanted to make was showing watercolour can be used in a contemporary way.